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Timeless tactics and tips to savoring holiday gatherings guilt-free and avoiding mindless eating and overindulging.

The holiday season is synonymous with frequent parties, family gatherings, and company festivities where there is plenty of joy, celebration, and an abundance of delicious food and flowing drinks. From table spreads and sumptuous feasts to decadent desserts and open bars, the temptation to indulge and overindulge can be hard to resist during this time of the year.

However, this upcoming holiday doesn’t have to derail your healthy eating habits and all the hard work to achieve where you are today as you head into a new year. With a few mindful eating strategies and tactics, you can savor the flavors of the season while maintaining balance and feeling great.

Here are some tips to help you survive holiday eating.

Don’t Skip Meals. Skipping meals in anticipation of a big holiday feast can backfire. Instead, have balanced meals earlier in the day to prevent excessive hunger, which often leads to overindulgence later on.

Tip: Consistent, balanced meals help regulate your appetite and prevent overeating.

Plan Ahead. This is a must! Before attending holiday gatherings or meals, consider eating a small, healthy snack ahead of time. This can help curb excessive hunger, allow you to take your time and make smart choices, and prevent overeating when faced with an array of tempting treats. Additionally, one tactic I always do is offer to bring a nutritious dish to the event, ensuring there’s something wholesome available for you to enjoy without guilt.

Tip: Planning ahead sets the stage for making mindful choices amidst tempting food spreads.

Prioritize Balance. Balance your plate with a variety of foods. Opt for a colorful array of vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains alongside the richer, calorie-dense options. This way, you can indulge sensibly without missing out on essential nutrients.

Tip: By creating a well-balanced plate, you’re nourishing your body while relishing the festive treats.

Mindful Eating. Be present, conscious of your choices, and mindful while eating. Take time to appreciate each bite, savoring the flavors and textures. Eating slowly allows your body to register fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

Tip: Practicing mindful eating fosters a deeper connection with your food and body’s signals.

Embrace Moderation. The cornerstone of enjoying holiday meals without guilt lies in moderation. Allow yourself to indulge in your favorite treats but in controlled portions. I prefer to just “take a taste”.  Enjoy a small slice of pie or a small serving of creamy mashed potatoes without going overboard. Savor each bite mindfully, appreciating the flavors and textures.

Tip: Remember, moderation isn’t about deprivation but about enjoying treats sensibly.

Be Selective with Indulgences. Not every treat or dish needs to be sampled. Be selective about what you indulge in and prioritize your absolute favorites. By choosing only the most beloved treats, you can enjoy them without feeling deprived or overeating.

Tip: Being selective allows you to fully appreciate and enjoy your favorite holiday food.

Practice Self-Compassion. Remember, the holiday season is a time of celebration, not guilt. If you find yourself overindulging at a particular meal or event, forgive yourself and move on. Avoid self-criticism and focus on making healthier choices moving forward.

Tip: Embrace kindness towards yourself and focus on progress, not perfection.

Stay Hydrated. Often, thirst can masquerade as hunger and too much alcohol can cause dehydration. Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Before reaching for a second helping, have a glass of water to assess whether you’re truly hungry or simply thirsty.

Tip: Keeping hydrated can prevent unnecessary snacking and overindulgence.

Incorporate Physical Activity. Maintain your exercise routine during the holidays. Physical activity not only helps burn extra calories but also boosts your mood and energy levels, making it easier to resist overeating.

Tip: Exercise is a fantastic way to maintain balance and feel good during the holiday season.

Mindset Shift. Reframe your approach to holiday eating. Instead of fixating solely on food, focus on the joy of spending time with loved ones, creating memories, and engaging in activities that don’t revolve around eating.

Tip: Shifting focus from food to cherished experiences enhances the holiday spirit.


Surviving holiday eating isn’t about strict diets, rigid rules, or deprivation. It’s about finding a balance that allows you to enjoy the festivities without compromising your well-being. By incorporating moderation, mindfulness, and self-compassion, you can navigate the holiday season feeling satisfied, fit, and healthy. Embrace the spirit of the season while making mindful choices, and you’ll find yourself savoring the holidays without any regrets.

Be Fit. Be Strong. Be Well.