About the Blogger

Based in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Adriana Falco brings over 20 years of knowledge and experience to her writings on fitness, health, nutrition, and longevity tips. Raised by her parents who prioritized a healthy lifestyle, Adriana developed a passion for health, wellness, and fitness at a very young age. She has since dedicated her day-to-day life studying and practicing healthy living habits and shares her practical and actionable advice and tips on her blog to help friends, family, and others live healthier and happier lives.

Adriana’s athletic background is extensive, having participated in a variety of sports since childhood including swimming, gymnastics, softball, track, tennis, field hockey, skiing, sledding, riding horses, climbing trees, and playing in five basketball leagues. At Villanova University, she played center on the D1 women’s lacrosse team while regularly training in the weight room, running, and swimming.

Over the years, she has since competed in fitness competitions, 5k through marathon running events, ultra-marathons, triathlons, and pickleball tournaments in addition to partaking in other athletic endeavors including cycling, hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, downhill skiing, waterskiing, wakeboarding, tennis, golf, and equestrian riding. She continues to strengthen herself and remains fit by running, swimming, Pilates, and weight room workouts while maintaining a clean healthy diet.

Educationally, Adriana holds a bachelor’s degree from Villanova University, a Master of Science degree from Drexel University, and postgraduate certificates from Penn State University, Seton Hall University, and Cornell University in ecommerce, social media marketing, and marketing strategy respectively. Professionally, she has thrived as a senior marketing executive in global marketing.

As a result of her lifelong commitment to health and fitness, Adriana has discovered some of the golden secrets to staying fit and youthful looking, which she shares in her “Fit Past 40” blog. Readers can subscribe to her emails and follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for tips on living a healthy and active lifestyle.

Check out Adriana’s three other blogs—Marketing Tips, Fun & Fitness Travel, and Mother & Daughter Destinations. Connect with Adriana on LinkedIn to stay updated on her latest endeavors.

7 thoughts on “About the Blogger”

  1. Congratulation!! This looks great….you’re my new
    hero….and I agree…”you look marvelous”. What a surprise running
    into you today.

  2. Great blog, Adriana. Looking forward to the upcoming weeks

  3. thank you, i have 40 more ponds to lose, and you can help me get there
    thank you

  4. March 3rd Twitter on Banana Coffee smoothie was right on……a great drink. Thanks

  5. geno wasilewski said:

    Happy Birthday…you “walk the walk” !

  6. On the road to being healthy and fit! Thank you for the inspiration! Michele

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